How many hours a week do you spend prepping spelling activities? 🪄 What if you had a resource that would allow you to create 60 spelling activities in 5 minutes or less?! What?!!! 🤯 Are you ready to get some of those hours back?! Take a look at these fabulous EDITABLE Spelling Activities we have created for your students to practice their word lists.
60 Spelling Activities for Elementary Students
Our Spelling Activities are super simple to use!!!
- Enter your spelling list on the first page of the resource.
- Choose the activities you want to use that week. (We have 60 different pages to choose from!)
- Print those activities.
These spelling activities can be sent home as homework, used in a word work center, in small groups, or as independent practice.
* Spelling Activity Line -Up *
1 – Spelling List
This is the first page you will see in the resource. All of the “magic” happens on this page! Whether you have chosen our 10, 12, or 15-word option, you will type in your word list on this page.
2 – Magic Words🪄
One of my students’ favorite spelling activities. They write each spelling word with a white crayon and then color over the words with a marker. The spelling words MAGICALLY appear on the paper.
Activity 3 – Alphabetical Order
This activity is pretty self-explanatory. Students will organize their spelling words into alphabetical order and write them in that sequence.
4 – Rainbow Spelling
Write the spelling words along the rainbow in different colors to practice.
5 – Write a Sentence️
Use each of your spelling words in a sentence. This is a great way to practice spelling words, writing, and additional vocabulary.
Activity 6 – Secret Code Spelling️
Students use the given code to spell each of their spelling words. This will definitely be a favorite spelling/word work activity in your classroom.
7 – Roll a Spelling Word
Roll a die to see if you will be writing your spelling words in crayon, with squiggles, in multiple colors, or bubble letters. Which number did you roll the most?
8 – Word Illustrations
Choose four of your spelling words and draw an illustration for them. To add an extension to this activity, ask your students to write a sentence to go with their illustration.
Activity 9 – Word Boxes
Is the letter tall or short? Does it stretch above the middle line or fall below? Students use the boxes to determine which word will fit as they practice spelling and writing them.
10 – Trace Words
Students can choose to trace their spelling words in pencil, crayon, or marker. Sometimes they just enjoy using a different tool to write with.
11 – Emoji Spelling🤩
Your students love using emojis, why not put those to educational use?! LOL Students will spell the words by using the emoji code.
Activity 12 – Pattern Block Spelling
Give your students some fun hands-on spelling work with this pattern block activity. This page is great for an individual or small group center, or if you need some quiet time to catch up on assessments or small group RTI.
13 – Vowels and Consonants
We all have those blue and red colored alphabet letters in our closets somewhere. Well, it is time to pull them out to spell words with. After they build the letter, students will color the consonants in blue and the vowels in red.
14 – Scrabble Spelling
Combine math and word work in this activity. Students will spell each word, writing the numbers on the tiles down. Then add the numbers together to come up with each word “sum”.
Activity 15 – Spin It, Spell It
Each student will create a spinner with a paperclip and pencil. Spin the spinner and see which number it lands on. Write the word that matches the corresponding number. Was there a word that you wrote more often than all of the rest?
16 – Spelling Maze
Can you find your way out of the maze? As they come to a word, have them read it, spell it, and then check it off the word list at the bottom. You can have them complete this activity with a partner as they both try to navigate through the maze. Can they guess the other student’s word after it has been spelled?
17 – Spelling Spiral
Round and round the spiral goes, how many spelling words you can fit, nobody knows…
Activity 18 – Word Syllables
Students practice separating their spelling words into syllables. Count on fingers, clap hands, or stomp feet to see how many syllables are in each word. Then circle the corresponding number.
19 – Silly Writing
Your students will have so much fun practicing their spelling words while writing upside down, or with their eyes closed.
20 – Pyramid Spelling
Build your spelling words pyramid style. Start with one letter at the top and add another letter with each line as you move your way down the pyramid.
Activity 21 – Spelling Rhymes
Can your students think of a word that rhymes with each of their spelling words? How many rhyming words can they come up with?
22 – Spelling Colors
Students match the color word to the spelling word in order to write the correct word on the line under the crayon. Added bonus: students learn to identify color words!
23 – Word Search
For your higher-level kiddos, this word search is GREAT! They write their words either aross, down, or as a challenge, diagonal on the grid. Then place random letters among the grid. Share with a partner to see if they can find all of your “hidden” words.
Activity 24 – Word Art
For your more creative students, color in the fancy letters and decorate around each of the spelling words. Plus, who doesn’t love to color?! ️
25 – Create a Story
How many spelling words can you fit into your story? Students write a short story that makes sense and illustrate it using their spelling words.
26 – Keyboard Words
Students use the computer keyboard to practice typing their spelling words. Can they put their fingers on the correct keys?
Activity 27 – Stamping Spelling Words
Everybody loves dot markers!!! Grab a few different colors and stamp your spelling words as you read them.
28 – Synonyms and Antonyms
For a more challenging activity, connect spelling practice with vocabulary skills by finding a synonym and antonym for each spelling word.
29 – Sign Language Spelling
This will definitely be a class favorite! Your students get to learn sign language while practicing their spelling words. And it is a socially distant partner activity, as they can sign a word to a partner and see if the partner can write down the word signed.
Activity 30 – How Many Sounds
Students practice sound segmentation with this activity. Sound out your spelling words and circle how many sounds those words have.
31 – Shape Spelling
Your students can combine math and spelling skills by writing their spelling words along the inside of each shape on the page.
32 – Parts of Speech Spelling
Give your spelling practice some grammar skills as well. Students will sort each of their spelling words into the different parts of speech. As an extension, can they create a Madlib with their spelling words?
Activity 33 – Spelling with Both Hands 🤲
Are you right or left-handed? Well, with this activity, you get to practice your spelling words writing with each hand. In the end, I bet that your non-dominant handwriting will start to look pretty nice.
34 – Silly Sentences
Students try to write as many of their spelling words in a sentence as they can. Once the sentence is written, they go back and underline their spelling words and count how many they used. Who can use the most in one sentence?
35 – Spelling Cake
Oh, how I wish it was real cake… LOL. Students will write their spelling words on each layer of the cake, changing the size of the words as they move up the tiers.
Activity 36 – Tablet Spelling
This modern-day version of keyboard spelling allows students to practice typing their spelling words on a tablet keyboard. After they type the word, they are to write it in the “text bubble” on the screen.
37 – Graph your Words
How many letters are in each spelling word? Students can graph their words based on the number of letters in each one. Which number has the most, the least, or are there any ties?
38 – Tally and Color
Students write each of their words into a box, then count the number of letters in each word. They tally each letter. Once every word has been tallied, they will choose a color for each number and color code the boxes of words.
Activity 39 – Fancy Spelling
This activity will allow your students to use their creativity. They can spell their words using fancy lettering. Will they write in cursive, dotted lines, or some invented script?
40 – Garden Spelling 🪴
Find the open spaces in the image and write your spelling words. How many can you fit within the picture? Once done, they can color the rest of the picture.
41 – Flower Spelling
Students write their spelling words along the “petals” of each flower, making sure that they match in color and are spelled correctly.
Activity 42 – Scribble Spelling
Write the spelling words in each of the spaces in the picture in different colors. Can you write the words without the same color being used in spaces that touch?
43 – Bubble Spelling
Did you ever write words in bubble letters?! It used to be a big thing when I was in school (now I’m really dating myself… LOL). Your students can practice writing all of their spelling words in bubble letters.
44 – Bubble Spelling Alternative
Just like the activity above, students will write their spelling words in bubble letters.
Activity 45 – Spelling Snapshots
This is a very creative way to practice spelling words. Students will write the words on the bottom half of the polaroid square and then draw a picture to illustrate that word at the top.
46 – Spelling Jellybeans
Students write their spelling words on each jellybean in the jar. Continue writing your words until the entire jar is full.
47 – Stamp Spelling
Do you have letter stamps? If so, then this is a great word work center activity. Students will spell their wordlist by stamping them in each of the boxes.
Activity 48 – Yoga Spelling
Bring mindfulness and calming techniques into your classroom while practicing academics. Each word is next to a yoga pose. After they write a word, they are to practice that pose.
49 – Spelling Strings
Raise your hand if you have alphabet beads in your classroom? ️️ Using the beads, students will spell their words on the “string” given in each box.
50 – Text Your Words
In the new technology age, our students are well-versed with cell phones. They will LOVE this word work activity!!! Students will write the word on the line, and then the number code needed to text it to a friend.
Activity 51 – Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe
Students will play tic-tac-toe by trying to write three of their spelling words in a row before their partner can do it. Make a bunch of copies of this worksheet and place them in a center. It is a “fun” way for students to practice their spelling words without really knowing it.
52 – Spelling Riddles
This is another activity for your higher students. They will create a riddle about one of their spelling words and write it down. Once they have written all of their riddles, they will trade their paper with a partner and see if their buddy can figure out what words they were describing.
53 – Spelling Battleship
Just like the famous board game, students will each have two papers. There grid to write their words on and the other to record their hits on their partner’s grid. Instead of laying down ships, they will write their words vertically or horizontally on the grid. Once all of the words have been written, it is time to play. Guess the letter/number combination to see if you get a ‘hit’ or a ‘miss’.
Activity 54 – Spelling Squares
Who has played this game in the fun children’s menu magazine or placement that you sometimes get?! Students will write play against a partner, trying to build squares. Once they have boxed in a square, they will need to write a spelling word inside. Such fun!!!
55 – Doughy Spelling
Playdough meets spelling words in this fine motor building activity. Students will spell their words by rolling out and shaping playdough for each word. This is one activity your students will quietly sit and do for a LONG time!
56 – Build Your Words
LEGO your way to completing your spelling words. Using the famous bricks, build each of your spelling words.
Activity 57 – Hopscotch Spelling
Use this miniature mat to practice spelling words. Students will write their spelling words in the spaces. Then, using a small game piece, such as a button, they carefully toss it onto the paper. Wherever it lands, you will ‘hop’ to and read the word under the button. You can also recreate this activity outside by drawing the words and hopscotch in chalk.
58 – Spy Spelling
Use the spy code at the top of the paper to spell each word. Students will write the numbers that correspond to the letters under each word. Make sure to add dashes between the numbers.
59 – Words Inside Spelling
Using the letters inside each flower, how many “new” words can you make? Write each new word onto a petal.
Activity 60 – Write the Room Spelling
Get your students up and moving with this spelling center activity. Each word will be printed on the card that corresponds to a picture. Students will carefully walk around the room, locating the different cards you have placed around the room. When they find a card, they need to write down that word next to the corresponding image.
*Bonus – Spelling Assessment
At the end of the unit, use our assessment page to see if all of the practice your students have been doing paid off.
All of these activities can be created within seconds with our No Prep Editable Spelling Bundle. Just type the words onto the word list and watch them immediately auto-populate onto all the other pages in the packet. Print those worksheets you want, make copies and spend time doing other activities you enjoy. So, which one of these 60 spelling activities for elementary students is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!
Written by: Janessa Fletcher
At Education to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. We aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.